ProgrammeLe programme détaillé figure ci-contre: programme et ci-dessous
Mercredi 29 mai 2024 (amphi SC10.01, bat. 10)
14h30-16h00 - SESSION 1
Quand la pandémie de Covid-19 a-t-elle été initiée ? Florence Débarre
Evolution of virulence in emerging epidemics: from theory to experimental evolution and back. Wakinyan Benhamou
Grains, trade and war, multimodal transmission of Rice yellow mottle, an insect-borne plant virus. Denis Fargette
16h00-16h30 : Pause
16h30-18h30 - SESSION 2
16h30-17h30 : KEYNOTE -- Tim Vaughan (ETH, Zurich)
Link between the birth-death and the Kingman coalescent - Applications to phylogenetic epidemiology. Josselin Cornuault
Modelling the velocity of evolving lineages and predicting dispersal patterns. Stéphane Guindon
19h00-20h30: Cocktail
Jeudi 30 mai 2024 (amphi SC10.01, bât. 10)
9h00-10h00 - SESSION 3
9h00-10h00 : KEYNOTE -- Sébastien Lion (CEFE, Montpellier)
10h00 - 10h30 : Pause
10h30-12h00 - SESSION 4
Outbreak reconstruction with a slowly evolving multi-host pathogen: a comparative study of three existing methods on Mycobacterium bovis outbreaks. Laetitia Canini
Leveraging graphical model techniques to study evolution on phylogenetic networks. Paul Bastide
The spatial Lambda Fleming-Viot process and its relation to Birth-Death models. Johannes Wirtz
12h00 - 14h00 : Pause déjeuner
14h00-15h30 - SESSION 5
Transformers for EpiDemiological DYnamics: from genomic data to epidemiological parameters. Vincent Garot
Using phylogenetic models to predict the impact of pathogenic mutations on symptom severity. Amélie Ngo
Modelling the HIV epidemic in France using virus genomic data. Louis Colliot
15h30-16h00 : Pause
Discussions autour de la définition et prospectives pour la phylodynamique.
Assemblée PHYLODYN2024
Vendredi 31 mai 2024 (amphi SC12.01, bât. 12)
9h00-10h00 - SESSION 7
9h00-10h00 : KEYNOTE -- Jacques Dainat "FAIR & reFAIR, the need for transparent science!" Jacques Dainat
10h00 - 10h30 : Pause
Detecting viral recombinant sequences with phylo-k-mers. Fabio Pardi
Evolution of phenotypic noise: an initial, verbal approach. Ignacio Bravo
Table ronde autour de la communication scientifique en temps de crise (animée par Florence Débarre, Mircea Sofonéa et Samuel Alizon) |
Personnes connectées : 3 | Vie privée |